Balance Menopause Symptoms with Acupuncture Therapy
The menopausal period is an essential stage in a woman's life cycle, which can be described as a period of multiple changes for the worse physically and emotionally. Although it is a logical progression, the symptoms can be almost incapacitating, and people turn to other treatments for respite. Acupuncture, out of the practice of using techniques related to traditional Chinese medicine, appears to offer the best solution for combating menopause symptoms. In this article, we shall discuss how acupuncture for menopause in Frederick, MD , can bring comfort into the lives of many. What is Menopause? Menopause signifies the termination of the monthly period of women, and it occurs between the ages of 45 and 55. This phase is officially termed after one year of non-menstruation, more specifically initially, after twelve months without it. Menopause is defined as a decline in the secretion of hormones such as estrogen together with progesterone, resulting in some effects. It...